Unicorn Games and Decorations

Unicorn Party Games and decorations
Unicorn Party Games and decorations

We recently had a Unicorn birthday party which included lots of DIY Unicorn Games and Decorations. To make it easier for your to plan your next unicorn party, I have all the ideas and lots of templates (all are free to download) listed here.

Don’t miss out on my post about unicorn inspired party food post either! Click on to know more…

Unicorn Invitation

Every party starts with an invitation, and this one was no different. Download and customize your own unicorn birthday invitation for FREE. I have removed the name and writing in this template of course so you can fill it out yourself.

Unicorn birthday invitation FREE printable

Unicorn Games and Decorations

Let’s do the decorations first. We kept it very simple this time with these homemade decorations:

  • a homemade birthday banner (link to download your own for free below)
  • pink table cloth with a few unicorn cut-outs
  • a set of unicorn paper plates and napkins (curtesy of Amazon.in)
  • balloons in the theme colours; pink and purple,
  • and a big unicorn balloon (also from Amazon.in).
  • We also added some homemade streamers with unicorns which hung from the ceiling. They are cute, decorative and they don’t require too much effort. See more about these below the birthday banner.

Unicorn Birthday Banner

Download this banner for free here: unicorn birthday banner FREE download

unicorn birthday banner FREE printable

Unicorn Streamers

It’s not easy to take a picture of these (but will try to do better next time, promise). They are basically a circle of thick paper cut into a spiral, with one end attached to the ceiling and the other attached to the unicorn cut out. I use blue tag or tack-it. It will last for days but will not leave any marks behind. If you have an old ceiling be careful while removing them again so you don’t remove any of the paint by mistake. If unsure, try it out in a corner or a place where the missing paint won’t be noticeable before attaching them all over the ceiling. I have never had any problems like this, but it really does depend on the paint quality and how loose it is.

We used the same unicorn for the cut-outs as for the birthday banner. I have added it at the end of this post for you to print and cut.

Unicorn Party Ideas unicorn decorations

Unicorn Treasure Hunt

Divide the kids into teams or let them do it individually. We did it in groups because half of the kids were below 5 years old so they couldn’t read yet. It worked well when teamed up with an older guest who could read the clues for the younger guests to help find. Download your own unicorn treasure hunt here for free: Unicorn Treasure Hunt

Unicorn Treasure Hunt Free printable

Pin the Horn on the Unicorn Game

A themed version of the “pin the tale on the donkey” game. We also did this game for our Snow White party with Snow White and an apple sticker as well as Moana and her necklace.

Top tip: Print the horns on sticker paper to make it easy for the kids to attach it to the unicorn.

Rules of the game: Let the kids queue up. The first one in the queue puts on the blindfold and you spin her/him 2 times around. He/she then tries to put the unicorn horn in the exact position of the missing horn on the poster. The blindfolded child is not allowed to feel her/his way around the wall or poster but has to make a decision and put the horn quickly. Whoever gets the horn closest to the correct place, wins.

Here is the link to download this game for free: Pin the Horn on the Unicorn Game

Pin the horn on the unicorm game unicorn party activity

Pin the horn on the unicorm game unicorn party activity

Painting-on-Cookies Activity

I like to make one activity for every birthday party which require a little more effort on my part. It could be cupcake decoration, pizza making, an elaborate treasure hunt or something else that excites the kids -even the ones we invite every time! And this time this activity was to painting on cookies -with edible paint of course! The cookies also doubled as return presents along with some unicorn stickers and a rainbow-coloured slinky.

You will need:

  • gel food colours
  • iced cookies with plain white icing
  • thin paint brushes (make sure they are new or never used for actual paint)

It was possible to do this as a joint activity mainly because we didn’t have a big party. Otherwise I would advise dividing the kids into groups of maximum 8-10 kids so they all have a proper place to sit and you can advise and guide them as they start -without any food colour ending up on the curtains or cushions 😉 We made two iced cookies for every child (my 11 year old made the outline and my 5-year old filled the inside while I iced the unicorn cookies. It’s so lovely when a “job” turns into a family activity like that 🙂 )

The final preparations for this activity:

I used this butter cookie recipe and this easy icing recipe. We chose a big cookie cutter so there was plenty of room for the kids to paint on.

I made sure to write the colours with whiteboard markers around the edges of the plate (you can wipe these off easily afterwards) as all food colours can look very dark and similar, when they are so concentrated. The younger kids could recognize the colours and the older kids could read the words.

Usually I dilute the gel colours with a little vodka (don’t worry, the alcohol quickly evaporates and it’s safe for kids to eat) but this time I decided to leave out the alcohol so I didn’t have to explain this to the older kids and parents. And it worked just as well as it usually does.

Party activity that you can eat paint on cookies MomMadeMoments

My top tips to do this activity successfully:

  • Prepare one plate of colours for maximum two kids to share. That means three plates for 6 kids, four plates for 8 kids and so on.
  • Make sure you divide the cookies up on the paper plates for each child before you start. Some kids will take 2 minutes to decorate a cookie while others will take much longer -and you don’t want someone to get 3 or 4 cookies while others only get one.
  • Give everyone a brush, a glass of water to wash their brushes and a clean paper towel to wipe their brush. Watery brushes are a big no no as they will destroy the cookies and make them soft and inedible.
  • Kids of all ages can take part in this so don’t exclude anyone from this activity based on their age. Older kids may take longer and consider their “art project” carefully whereas younger kids will enjoy mixing the paints and make their own designs.
  • Some kids will take 5 minutes to finish and some will take 30 minutes. So it’s a good idea to keep something ready on the side (like a colouring sheet and colours) to keep “the sprinters” occupied while waiting for everyone else to finish.
  • Keep a few spare cookies on the side in case someone drops one or the water topples over. These things tend to happen so better to be prepared.

And most importantly. Let the kids decorate their cookie as they wish! No rules or directions needed 😉

Party activity that you can eat paint on cookies MomMadeMoments

The cookies double as part of the return present

Unfortunately I failed to take a photo of the finished cookies but they were all beautiful and the kids were all very proud to take their own cookies home to show (and eat). They stay fresh for about 3-4 days in an airtight container.

We also did this activity for Easter (just me and my kids). See more tips and how to use edible marker pens instead here.

Hope you liked this post and it has helped you with an idea or two for your next unicorn party. Hope you have lots of fun like we did 🙂

If you need Unicorn inspired party food make sure to see this post.

Unicorn Party food ideas MomMadeMoments

Unicorn party cute unicorn for decorations

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